"I don’t let my limitations define me - I learned to dance to my own rhythm. You can too."
"I don’t let my limitations define me - I learned to dance to my own rhythm. You can too."
J.G. Chayko
"I am not discouraged by the things I can no longer do – instead, I explore pastimes that my previous life didn’t allow me to nurture. I don’t let my limitations define me - I learned to dance to my own rhythm. You can too. "

J.G. Chayko
"I am not discouraged by the things I can no longer do – instead, I explore pastimes that my previous life didn’t allow me to nurture. I don’t let my limitations define me - I learned to dance to my own rhythm. You can too. "

What is FieryBones?
FieryBones is a non-profit community that strives to share inspiration and awareness to millions of people suffering from autoimmune forms of arthritis across the world.
Sharing stories help people to be comfortable with their vulnerability, and make their voices heard. Reading stories has a unique power of reassuring, instating a sense of support, and ultimately healing us. We are priveleged to host the life stories of so many inspiring people who carry fire in their bones, and have carved their personal and professional paths while managing an autoimmune illness. These are the FieryBones!
We welcome you to become a part of FieryBones community. Some days are difficult, some days are not. But we know we are in this together.
Life Stories

Story of Wheelchair and Eye
“If I tell you I have travelled 58 countries till date, I am sure you will believe it. But if I tell you that I have visited them all on my wheelchair, will you?"
Listen to the story of Parvinder Chawla (fondly known as "Pammu"). Pammu has traveled to 58 countries across six continents on her wheelchair. FieryBones had the opportunity to interact with this fantastic cheerful lady, and take our readers through her life’s roller coaster ride.

Story of Lori MacLean (R.A.Raw channel)
"Sometimes, people ask me what kind of hacks do you have? I don't have any hacks. I just deal."
Listen to the story of Lori MacLean, a vlogger and public speaker. Learn more about her experience of battling Rheumatoid Arthritis since the age of 2. She discusses with the community about what has RA taught her and how she manages to live life to the fullest despite the hurdles life threw at her.

Story of Ashley
"RA is not who I am, it's just a big part of what makes me, me"
Read the story of a multi-talented woman, Ashley Girres - A Blogger, An Etsy Shop Owner, A Mom, A Wife, A Daughter, and yes, a Fiery Bone, RA warrior. Discover more about her experience with Rheumatoid Arthritis, learnings and message for the FieryBones community!

Story of Emma Taylor
“This isn't your fault, you're not a failure, cut yourself some slack, allow yourself to rest and heal, practice self-care and manage who you give your energy and time to. Again, this isn't your fault”
Read the story of Emma Taylor - a singer and a young warrior battling ME and Fibromyalgia.

Story of Judy
"Hold onto hope. Take charge of your healthcare"
Read our Q&A with Judy to discover her daunting journey with various illnesses and be amazed by her will to battle this strongly and spread her optimism to many others!
The Chronicles of Parenting
"I like to think the silver lining is that he’s more independent and resilient for all the times he had to be on the floor instead of in my arms"
Thought parenting is the toughest job ever? Imagine being a parent while simultaneously battling a chronic illness. Read the story of Suzie, an engineer, a mom, a wife and a children's book author, and understand her take on parenting with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Story of J.G. Chayko
"I don’t let my limitations define me - I learned to dance to my own rhythm. You can too."
Read the story of J.G. Chayko - a writer, an actress, owner of the blog 'The Old Lady in My Bones' and an international arthritis advocate - and discover her passion for writing and theater while living with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Story of Jed Finley
"Don't let your condition rule you. Rule your condition!"
Read the story of Jed Finley - a young warrior battling Ankylosing Spondylitis, spreading awareness and extending amazing support to all the spoonies!

10 things living with RA taught me
“Don't be afraid to ask for help. You are allowed."
Read the story of Sara Joy Dean - a professional writer, editor, blogger, and artist who suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjögren’s Syndrome, fibromyalgia, and hypothyroidism. She is currently working on a spiritual non-fiction book about dealing with chronic illness and writing her first cozy mystery novel.

It's an Unpredictable Life
"It may be difficult and arduous at times, but I am determined to not let FND or my symptoms from stopping me live my life"
Read the story of Rhiann Johns living an unpredictable life with Functional Neorological Disorder but helping many others through sharing her story and experiences!
Join FieryBones Community

Meet Pooja,
Founder of FieryBones
Hi, welcome to FieryBones! I was diagnosed with RA in mid-2017. It's been a hell of a ride so far and RA still keeps surprising me every single day! Although it is manageable now, I am yet to accept the new reality, much to the distress of my doctors. Pre-RA, I was quite an adventure junkie and still look forward to continuing doing them - just a matter of time! I am a closed person who would bottle up emotions, so opening up about RA has not been easy. But I realized this unwanted companion is here to stay and reading stories of other people who are going through a similar or even more challenging roller coaster would help deal with this more fiercely! So a big shout out - to all you strong warriors!
-Pooja Panchamia